Ecological Network as a functionally and spatially connected entity is established for maintaining the habitat types of special importance for the protection, restoration and/or improvement of disturbed habitats. The Ecological Network of the Republic of Serbia consists of ecologically significant areas and ecological corridors.

The Ecological Network is managed in a way that ensures the preservation of favourable conditions of sensitive, rare, endangered and habitat types of special importance for the conservation and populations of strictly protected and protected wild species of national and international importance, as well as maintaining and improving functional and spatial connectivity of its parts.

Ecological Network management means the management of individual ecologically significant areas and ecological corridors, in order to maintain and improve the functional integrity of the Ecological Network.

Source: Institute of Nature Conservation of Serbia

The basis for activities related to the establishment of the Ecological Network, which includes the international Natura 2000 ecological network, is Article 38, of the Law on Nature Conservation, according to which the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, in cooperation with the Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina and other professional and scientific institutions prepares documentation for the establishment of an Ecological Network in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, in line with the criteria established by the Law on Nature Conservation, generally accepted rules of international law and ratified international treaties. In addition, the Institute creates and updates a digital database containing both vector-displayed boundaries of Ecological Network areas and a map of ecologically important areas.