Bezbrižno detinjstvo (Carefree childhood)
Jelena Slijepčević
Akrobati (Acrobats)
Levente Szekeres
Hranjenje (Feeding)
Levente Szekeres
Kanjon Drine (The Drina River Gorge)
Marina Stančević
Kanjon Rače (The Raca River Gorge) - Tara
Vesna Mijailović
Let (The flight)
Levente Szekeres
Nacionalni park Tara - Jezero Zaovine (National park Tara - Zaovine Lake)
Vladimir Mijailović
Napad (Attack)
Levente Szekeres
Zalazak sa najlepšim pogledom
(Sunset with the most beautiful view)
Nenad Marić
Sunčano (Sunny)
Dejan Ilijić
Jesenje jutro na Tari (Autumn morning)
Miloš Karaklić


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The Natura 2000 network is nowadays the largest network of protected areas in Europe. It is designated with the aim to protect the most valuables habitats and species in Europe. In Serbia, this network is designated and managed by the Ministry of Environment Protection in collaboration with Institutes for Nature conservation in Serbia.

The Natura 2000 network consists of the Sites of Community Interest (SCI), identified by the Member States in accordance with the Habitats Directive, which are subsequently designated as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), and also includes Special Protection Areas (SPAs) established according to the Birds Directive concerning the conservation of wild birds.

This network are not strictly protected reserves where human activities are excluded; the Habitats Directive intends to guarantee the protection of nature also considering „economic, social and cultural needs, as well as regional and local particularities“ (Art. 2). Private entities can own Natura 2000 sites, ensuring their sustainable management both from an ecological and an economic point of view.

Today, 26.918 sites are part of this network covering 1.204.987Km2 through the current 27 Members States.

The Republic of Serbia is working on the preparation of the Natura 2000 network, transposing the Birds and Habitats Directives and preparing all the requirements for the establishment and future management of this network.

EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia

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The Republic of Serbia is one of the Balkan’s countries, which hosts excellent biodiversity. Throughout the three biogeographical regions; Pannonian, Continental and Alpine, different species of plants and animals shape a variety of landscapes; from the higher elevation in Serbia at the Midžor Mountain (2.169m), to the Morava Valley or the Vojvodina salt marshes, more than 44.220 species and subspecies enrich the biodiversity of the country.

Not all the species are in good conservation status, and currently, there are 1782 of strictly protected species of which most of them are animal species, with the most numerous invertebrates. Among the strictly protected species are 50 species of mammals, 307 species of birds, 18 species of amphibians and 18 species of reptiles, 38 species of fish and 610 invertebrates. Besides, 75 species of fungi and lichens, 641 plant species (moss, ferns and seed plants) and 25 algae species are strictly protected.

Natura 2000 animal species

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Natura 2000 animal species

From the Annex II and IV of Habitats Directive, and Annex V for fish species, a total of 188 animal species of mammals, amphibians and reptiles, fishes, molluscs, crayfish dragonflies, grasshoppers, beetles and butterflies occur in Serbia. These species conform the Reference Lists and fulfil the scientific criteria for the establishment of the Sites of Community Importance (SCIs)

Natura 2000 habitat types

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Natura 2000 habitat types

From the Annex I of Habitats Directive a total of 75 habitats types occurs in Serbia, being 25 of them forest habitats. Some of these habitats are hosting one of the 34 plant species listed in the Reference List. Different scientific criteria are defined for the establishment of Sites of Community Importance (SCIs)

Natura 2000 birds species

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Natura 2000 birds species

From the Annex I of Birds Directive and migratory species 141 species of birds occur in Serbia. These species conform the Reference List and fulfil the scientific criteria for the establishment of the Special Protection Areas (SPA)

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